Patchwork poem

Art, books, illustration, poetry


A cento is a poem made up from lines or verses from various poems, that are put together to make sense . I like alchemy.  The poets I have purloined from are

Tony Hoagland
Wislawa Szymborska
Rupert Brook
e. e. cummmings
William Carlos Williams

W.B Yeats

These pages are now in a handmade miniature book. Hand made books are my thing at the moment, I am gathering quite a library, without knowing quite what to do with the finished articles. The fun is in the doing. Always!!



3 thoughts on “Patchwork poem

    1. thanks for visiting my blog!! I have ventured across to yours v quickly, and it looks interesting. I shall be returning for more in depth reading. Good luck with the sonnet! Can anyone explain to me what a pingback is?


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